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Expert Cait Whitson answers all your Venetian Plastering questions

09 May 2023

We’ve recently launched Venetian Plastering courses at the school. Seeing a massive resurgence in popularity, Venetian Plastering (also known as Italian Plastering) is a specialist artisan technique resulting in beautiful finishes.

Used for centuries in building and is now used to complement the interior design of a building, whether it’s old world traditional, contemporary design or even used in listed buildings for restoration.

Our courses cover everything you need to get off the ground using polished and textured plaster. It’s a skill that can really raise the standard of your trades offering, and win you highly-paid jobs.

Click below to watch Cait Whitson from Whitson’s Ltd as she answers a few questions that everyone new to this technique will want to know the answer to.

We’re running two 3-day courses in June, for details and how to apply, click here.




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